Pose your figure in Poser 2 and export it as a Wavefront OBJ file.

Import the figure into Bryce 4D by using File/Import Object. Fig1 shows the result rendered in the default grey.

Figure 1

With the figure selected click on the M button to enter the Materials Editor. In Column A of the Colour Section, click on the DIFFUSE and AMBIENT spaces. A random material appears. Click on the P button; Leonardo appears. Click on the pinkish button above the P button to access the Texture Source Editor. See Fig2.

Figure 2

Click on the word Load above the right hand picture of Leonardo. A File Open dialogue box opens.

Figure 3

Navigate through the folders until you find the Poser textures. Select and open the appropriate texture, in this case male casual texture.tif.

Figure 4

The texture appears in the Texture Source Editor. Click the checkmark to return to the Materials Editor. Note that the mapping mode is Parametric. Click the checkmark to return to your scene.

Figure 5

Render your scene and the texture will appear. You can load the TIFF texture files into a paint program and use them as a template to give you different textures. Don't forget to save the new file under a different name. Here, in Fig6 a trivial change of trouser colour has been made.

Figure 6